While driving our Car, we come across diversions, crossings, flyovers, and U-turns. We consciously make decisions to prioritize safety, comfort, and timing. Eventually, we reach our destination safe and sound, at the appropriate time.

Whilst driving our life, we struggle or fail to take the obvious decision due to our Mind (sophisticated vehicle) and Power to choose (Steering wheel to control our mind).

The Narration of two scenarios:

1.   Scenario one:  We are supposed to seat and control our own car while driving, but imagine, someone else is controlling your Car, how miserable and chaotic your journey will be. Therefore, we should not outsource the people/things to control our minds.

2.   Scenario two:  Visualize, you have been gifted a high-tech and scintillating BMW Car having a speed of 100-1000 miles per hour. But it cannot move if the decision is not made. In life, we need to decide & choose consciously in order to grow, become wiser and move further.

Let us take two questions: What to choose? and when to choose?

a.   What to choose:  While driving, we choose the direction of the vehicle; similarly, we need to choose the direction of our mind. Choose what to think, choosing our thinking means choosing our words and action.

b.   When to choose: While driving we choose all the time, similarly we need to use the power to choose and be aware all the time. There is no wrong time to take the right decision Hence, we should not be the product of circumstances rather we should be the product of our decision. As my decision, so I am. Mind is a precious gift that gives the power to choose/make decisions. Therefore, please choose consciously all the time to steer the wheel of your mind to reach your proper destination.

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